I will always remember this one girl that was in all of my 7th grade classes. She was very quiet, never back-talked anyone, always greeted the staff at our school, never interrupted the teachers like any other kid in the school. All my friends thought she was just weird, but I watched her for a while and she was always so polite. All the kids at my school were always rude not listening to the staff, so one day, the day I will always remember, I finally had the guts to ask her why she wasn't like the rest of us and what she told me changed the way I acted. When I asked her she told me, "If you ever want to be respected in life, you'll have to respect others and by others I mean not just your friends." After she said that I started respecting others more and telling other people what I was told. back-talk=impudent 厚かましい greet:迎える、挨拶する weird: 奇妙な、風変わりな、変な、変わった have the guts to:~する勇気がある、根性がある、大胆にも~する interrupt: 〔話の〕邪魔をする、〔話に〕割って入る
Respect Submitted by Katrina Sue
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