

A. Definition: 
   A take home exam is a special type of open examination where students are 
   provided with the exam paper and complete it away from an exam centre without the 
   help of others over a set period of time. 

B. Features: 
1. To answer take-home exam questions, some research is required, but at a 
   much less demanding level, usually limited to a student’s own notes, lecture 
   notes and handouts, readings (if any) and textbooks. Students may consult 
   more widely if they wish. 
2. The set time period for completion of the exam can be any period from 1 day 
   up to 1 week. 
3. A maximum of 750 words per question. 
4. The normal rules of choice in setting the exam (e.g. 2 questions for every 5) 
   do not apply since the exam is seen. 
5. Normal footnotes are required for quotes from readings or textbooks. 
6. Exams should always be typed and submitted with the normal ACT 
   Examination cover sheet attached. 
7. Take home exams are not allowed to be used for core units. 

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