Do you get ready for the lesson? レッスンの準備はできていますか? What time do you get to school? 何時に学校に着くの。 What time do you get up? 何時に起きますか? Do you get on with your mother? お母さんと仲良くしますか? When I get angry, I usually slam doors 私が怒るとき、私はたいていドアをバタンと閉めます。😆 Did you get a job? 仕事は見つかった? Is your English getting better? 英語は上達してきたかい? Are you getting better? 病気はよくなってきたかい? What time do you get home? 何時に家に着くの? I got lost. 迷子になりました。 I am getting tired of reading books. 本を読むのに飽きてきました。 We are getting used to sleeping with the windows open. 私たちは窓を開けたまま寝ることに慣れています。 They seem to get along pretty well. 彼らはかなりうまくやっているようです。 I got it. わかった。 I long to get married. 結婚に憧れている。 When will we get together? いつ集まろうか. I believe you'll get over it soon. すぐに立ち直るよね! My eyes get tired very easily. 目が疲れやすいです。 I couldn't get across the message. 私はその伝言を取れなかった Get out! 出て行け!
9/21 今朝の英語学習: get
get lost vs be lost
Sorry I’m late. I got lost. (遅れてすみません。道に迷いました。) I’m terrible with directions. I get lost easily. (私は本当に方向音痴で、すぐ道に迷います。) I think I’m lost. I can’t find your apartment. (道に迷っているかも。アパートが見つかりません。) 〜会話例1〜 A: Where are you? Are you lost? (今どこですか?道に迷ったのですか?) B: Yeah I think I’m lost. I’m in front of 7-Eleven right now. (ええ、そのようです。今、セブンイレブンの前にいます。) 〜会話例2〜 A: Did you get lost? What took you so long? (道に迷ったの?なんでそんなに時間がかかったの?) B: Yeah, I couldn’t find this place. My GPS was completely off. (うん、この場所が全然見つからなくて。GPSの位置情報が完全にずれてて。)
9/17 今朝の英語学習: phenomenal & Um Python Sequences
スティーブ・ジョブズの表現集の中に、phenomenalが出てきたのでこれについて学習しました。 phenomenal のSynonymsは extraordinary, outstanding, remarkable, fantastic などです。 Umはduolingoでお目にかかりました。 Extremely successful or special, especially in a surprising way: Her rise to fame was quite phenomenal - in less than two years she was a household name. 彼女の名声の高まりは非常に驚異的でした-2年足らずで彼女は一般的な名前になりました。 We have invented a new technology called multi-touch, which is phenomenal. 私たちはマルチタッチという新技術を発明した。これは画期的だ。 Unusually great; much more or much better: Angela can do a phenomenal amount of work in one day. He has a phenomenal memory. Something that is phenomenal is so great or good that it is very unusual indeed. Exports are growing at a phenomenal rate. The performances have been absolutely phenomenal. Um, is London the capital of Canada? あの、ロンドンはカナダの首都ですか? Um, I'm 50 years old. うーん、50歳です。 The rash is, um, also incredibly contagious. 湿疹も伝染性だって。 Um, is the room quiet? あの、部屋は静かですか。 9/17 今朝の学習:Python Sequences Today, we are going to learn about the different Python data structures. They can be divided into two categories based on the ordering of items: Sequences and Collections. Elements in sequences come out in the same order as it is inserted, however ordering in collections is not preserved. In this article, we will focus only on sequences. So, let’s get started. In Python programming, sequences are a generic term for an ordered set which means that the order in which we input the items will be the same when we access them. Python supports six different types of sequences. These are strings, lists, tuples, byte sequences, byte arrays, and range objects.
Why Do We Fall in Love with Someone?
from here
By The Editors
Updated on April 20, 2021
Here’s a question: Why do we feel an overwhelming emotion that makes us act like a complete fool?
People fall in love because they felt a connection or some sort of similarity; while some might say they felt somewhat comfortable being with a specific person.
While falling and being in love with someone makes us feel warm and fuzzy, it also has its downsides. If so, why do people still fall in love?
Being tolerant
from here
Tolerance makes it possible for people to coexist peacefully. It is the basis for a fair society in which everyone can lead their lives as they wish.
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