Must read! Company going under? Here’s when to jump ship ビジネスマン必読! 沈む会社をいつ辞めれば得か? The domain that dominates world wide wants Google, dream or nightmare? 世界中の欲望を支配するグーグルは夢か悪夢か Older couples should avoid divorce even if it means begging on bended Knees 熟年離婚は土下座してでも避けるべし。 Foolproof philandery 10 rules for men to save your married life 無事に生還するためのちょいわる不倫 男の鉄則10 Holy maguro! New York celebrities yen for upscale sushi ニューヨークでブーム セレブがつまむ高級寿司
2/14 パックンの中吊り英作文から
What Your Dog is Trying to Tell You
Words may be important for humans to communicate, but dogs convey emotions through body language and sounds.
While your dog may seem to understand your words, especially if you've put in the effort to train them on simple commands such as sit, heel, and stay, you also need to work to understand and translate canine body language.
relating to or resembling a dog or dogs.
the back part of the human foot below the ankle.
a command to a dog to walk close behind its owner.
From here
2/8 Lifelong active duty (生涯現役)
I think that "lifelong active duty" means that one's purpose of life is useful to the world. I think it's more fun to have a job that you like and to be active even when you're old, and it will add value to society. I hope that all the people will grow into a society that has the idea of valuing their own lives. The image is drawn with a python turtle. Programming keeps you young. 「生涯現役」とは、自分の生きがいが世の中に役立っていることだと思います。 なにか自分の好きな仕事を持っていて、年老いても現役でいたほうが楽しいし、 社会にも付加価値が生まれると思います。 国民がみな、自分自身の人生を大切していく考えを持つ社会になるように成長していてほしいと思います。 画像はパイソンの亀で描いたものです。 プログラミングは若さを維持します。
2/7 “Self Help” by Samuel Smiles
Today, I studied the beginning of "Self-Help" written by an Englishman named Samuel Smiles, which was loved during the Meiji Restoration. In Japan, it is translated as "自助論". "Heaven helps those who help themselves. The spirit of self-help is the foundation for human beings to achieve true growth. If the spirit of self-help is rooted in the lives of many people, it is a vibrant and strong nation. External assistance weakens human beings. It is the spirit of trying to help oneself that encourages and encourages human beings forever. " 「天は自ら助くる者を助く。自助 の精神は、人間が真の成長を遂げるための 礎いしずえ である。自助の精神が多くの人々の生活に根 づくなら、それは活力にあふれた強い国家を築く原動力ともなるだろう。外部からの援助 は人間を弱くする。自分で自分を助けようとする精神こそ、その人間をいつまでも励まし 元気づける」。
2/6 先行詞を含んだ関係代名詞 what
<今日の学習例文> This is what I believe. 私はこう考えます。 This is what I need. これは私が必要なものです. This is what she said to me. Is that what you want? I could not understand what he said. Will you please tell me what you know about him? 彼について知っていること教えてもらえる? What she saw there was surprising. What they did was right. What we didn’t expect happened. What you have to do is to study every day. What your parents want to do is to write to them more often. What that politician says is different from what he does. Select what you need for the job. 仕事に必要な物なら何でも選びなさい。 What I told you was my honest opinion. 私があなたに言ったことは私の正直な意見です。
2/5 Shameful event
昨日残念な下記の出来事がありました。 「Mr.Mori , the president of the Tokyo Olympic organizing committee said that he is not planning to resign even after he stirred controversy with sexist comments that women board members talked too much.」 今日は、refrainの例文を勉強しました。 stop oneself from doing something. <例文> Please refrain from smoking. タバコは慎んでください。 Refrain from smoking here. ここは禁煙です I refrain from snacks. 私はおやつを我慢する。 Please refrain from drinking and driving. 飲酒運転はお控えください Mr. Mori, please refrain from making statements that look down on women. 森さん、女性を蔑視する発言は慎んでください。 He refrained from comment. 彼はコメントを控えた。 Please refrain from speaking without permission. 許可なしにしゃべらないで下さい。
A little bird told me
2/3 “A little bird told me“ I studied this idiom today. This expression is considered old-fashioned in American English. It is used when a person is trying to hide the source of his information It indicates that the person knows something that is a secret and wants to withhold the identity of the person who let him know about it It is a teasing manner of saying that you do not intend to unveil how you know something <Example Sentences> A little bird told me that you are becoming a Japanese. 噂によると、日本人になるそうだね。 Incidentally, a little bird told me that your birthday's coming up. I’d like to believe that a little birdie told you about my secret but I know exactly who it was that let you in on it. A little bird told me that it is your wedding anniversary today. A little bird has told me all about your journey to New York. Things a Little Bird Told Me Quotes said that “When you hand good people possibility, they do great things.” Source: and so on Thank you for your comment. I think you can use both good and bad things. It is used for saying that you are not going to say who told you something. A little bird told me means “I found out this information from a source I cannot or will not reveal.”A little bird told me you got engaged. A little bird told me you’d got a new job. A little bird told me that his family is a petticoat government.
2/3 “light at the end of the tunnel”
今日はこのイディオムを勉強しました。 When you talk about the light at the end of the tunnel, you are referring to the end of the difficult or unpleasant situation that you are in at the moment. <例文> I can see the light at the end of tunnel with my work. 私の仕事の見通しが立つ。 It has been a difficult year, but there seems to be some light at the end of the tunnel. 大変な一年でしたが、トンネルの先には光が差し込んでいるようです。 The COVID-19 vaccines are being rolled out rapidly. We can see the right at the end of the tunnel. COVID-19ワクチンは急速に展開されています。見通しが立ってきました。 I've been working on this book for over a year, but I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. Now that the doctors have been able to diagnose what's wrong with me, there is finally light at the end of the tunnel.
英単語学習 weird
all sorts of weird and wonderful characters あらゆる種類の奇妙で素晴らしいキャラクター a weird coincidence 奇妙な偶然 the weird crying of a seal アザラシの奇妙な泣き声 That outfit is weird. その服装は変わっている。 My voice is always weird. 私の声はおかしい。 Did I say something weird? 私は何か変なこと言いましたか。 I have weird sides too. 私は変わった一面も持っている。 My stomach feels weird. 私はお腹の具合がおかしい。 The face I drew is weird. 私が描いた顔はおかしい。 I sometimes have weird dreams too. 私もたまに変な夢を見ます。
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